Exchange Pool Services
If you are unable to be without your cargo hook for the duration of an overhaul, Onboard Systems maintains an overhaul Exchange Pool for select cargo hook equipment. Give us a call to confirm availability, then request an RMA and send us your hook. When we receive it, we will send you a replacement hook from our Exchange Pool.
The hooks in our Exchange Pool have been meticulously restored to like-new condition by our factory technicians. The exchange pool hook is now yours to keep and use; you will not receive your original hook back. Instead, your core hook will be overhauled and added back into the Exchange Pool.
Expedited Exchange Service
If you simply cannot afford be without a cargo hook for any length of time, you may be interested in using our expedited Exchange Pool service. Under this program, after confirming parts availability, we will invoice you for the full price of a new cargo hook and immediately ship you a hook from our Exchange Pool upon receipt of payment. When you receive the Exchange Pool hook, simply place your old hook inside the box, write the RMA number provided on your shipping label or on the box, and send it to us. When we receive your core hook, we will refund the difference between the actual overhaul cost of your hook from the new cargo hook price paid on the original invoice.
Core Hook Return Policy
Core hook returns are due back to Onboard Systems within thirty (30) days from the date the exchange unit was shipped (invoice date). Late return of the core unit will be subject to the following credit reductions:
- Cores returned 31-60 days after invoice date will incur a late fee of 25% of the credit due.
- Cores returned 61-90 days after invoice date will incur a late fee of 50% of the credit due.
- Cores will not be accepted back for credit after 91 days from invoice date and the sale will be considered outright.
Note: For net account customers, open invoices cannot be held for payment because of a pending credit from an unreturned core. All invoices, including charges for exchange hooks, are due within thirty (30) days from the invoice date.
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