Another Tip to Expedite the Overhaul Process
Monday, September 16, 2013
When you need to send in your equipment for an overhaul during the busy season—whether due to TBO (time between overhauls) or hours in use—time is of the essence. You need to have that equipment turned around quickly so you can put it back into service as soon as possible.
In the last issue of The Hook, we gave you three tips on how you can help expedite your cargo hook equipment overhaul. Here's one more.
One of the main reasons service can be delayed is that we are unable to get approval to proceed with the the work. To streamline and expedite the overhaul process, Onboard Systems now offers fixed pricing for standard cargo hook overhaul services. This makes it possible for you to pre-authorize service and payment for your overhaul, sidestepping the time-consuming quote to approval to payment process.
So it's possible to pre-authorize service—but it isn't automatic.
How to Pre-authorize Service
When you call or visit our website for an overhaul RMA, we’ll quote the standard fixed price (which can also be found on our Repair Department Pricing Sheet). As you prepare your equipment for shipping, please add the following note on the paperwork you will include in your package:
"Approved to proceed if price does not exceed XXX"
where "XXX" is either the price listed on the Repair Department Pricing Sheet, or the price we quoted to you when you called, faxed or emailed us. Also, be sure to include payment information—either a check, a completed Credit Card Authorization form, or approval to charge your net-30 account.
If you do this, as soon as your equipment is received by our repair station, we will have everything we need to get started on the work right away. That means we can skip the back-and-forth of sending a quote, seeking approval, and making payment arrangements—and get right to servicing your equipment. This important step helps reduce approval paperwork, phone calls, and most importantly—your time.
As always, if it turns out that additional work is needed to service your equipment, and performing that work will increase the price, we will notify you of the change and secure your approval before the work proceeds.
Stay tuned for more tips about expediting repairs and overhauls in future issues of The Hook.
overhaulscargo hook maintenanceVol10-Iss3pre-approvecargo hook serviceMore Articles
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