Eurocopter France Chooses Onboard Systems Cargo Hooks
Friday, March 12, 2004
Onboard Systems International, a leading provider of innovative helicopter cargo hook equipment, was awarded a contract from Eurocopter France to provide an initial batch of its TALON LC Keeperless Hooks for factory-installation on new AS350 B2 and B3 Aircraft. The decision to select Onboard Systems hooks was largely influenced by Eurocopter's own customers. Many operators have been requesting installation of the Onboard hooks at the factory for years due to their high reliability, increased safety and lower maintenance costs.
“We are very pleased that Eurocopter France has made the decision to install our cargo hooks at their factory,” said Jason Lemmon, General Manager of Onboard Systems. “This will provide a tremendous advantage to the AS350 operators, as they will now have factory-approved access to a safer, more reliable cargo hook that will also significantly reduce their on-going maintenance costs.”
The TALON LC Keeperless Cargo Hook has a proven track record of safety and reliability with hundreds of units in operation worldwide. It allows the operator to safely use a wide variety of load ring sizes and styles while minimizing the risk of inadvertent cargo loss. In addition, the maintenance costs are significantly reduced, as the operators have the option to overhaul the hook themselves using spares and parts that are readily available from stock. The TALON LC Keeperless Cargo Hook is also certified for use on many other light aircraft including Bell, Eurocopter and McDonnell Douglas models.
Onboard Systems, Inc. designs and manufactures a complete line of innovative helicopter cargo hook equipment under its TALON brand, including belly hooks, cargo hook suspension systems, weighing systems and remote hooks. Its low-weight, high-quality products provide helicopter operators with increased cost efficiencies and safety through customer driven designs, responsive service and support, and low on-going maintenance costs. Founded in 1975, Onboard Systems is a US corporation located Vancouver, Washington, with an international sales office in the UK.
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