Put Your Helicopter on the Cover of our 2023 Catalog
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Onboard Systems invites our customers to enter its 2023 Catalog Cover Photo Contest using the form below. If you experience any difficulties while using the form, please contact us for alternative photo submission methods.
You must read and agree to the contest rules, terms and legal conditions below before submitting any photos.
2023 Catalog Cover Photo Contest Rules
What to Enter:
We are looking for striking digital images of helicopters performing external load work operations, preferably using Onboard Systems equipment. Please review our photo galleries of previous contest winning entries for ideas:
2022 Cover Contest Winners Gallery
2021 Cover Contest Winners Gallery
2020 Cover Contest Winners Gallery
2019 Cover Contest Winners Gallery
2018 Cover Contest Winners Gallery
How to Enter:
All images must be submitted though our online photo submission form, and all required fields must be completed. A maximum of five (5) photos may be submitted from each person.
Entry Requirements:
All photo entries must have a resolution of at least 3 million pixels or greater (3 megapixels). Resolution can be calculated by multiplying the pixel width of the image with the pixel height. For example, a photograph taken with a 3-megapixel camera set for the highest resolution and best quality produces images approximately 2048 pixels by 1536 pixels, which are acceptable under the rules (2048 x 1536 = 3 million).
Entries may originate in any format — including, but not limited to digital files, digital prints, color transparencies, color prints, or black and white prints, so long as they are submitted electronically. Previously published material for which non-exclusive rights were granted may be entered as long as you still maintain the right to grant us a license (see "Your Rights" below).
Judging & Prizes:
Onboard Systems shall determine the winning photograph at its sole and absolute discretion. The winning image will be printed on the cover of the 2023 Onboard Systems Product Catalog, and the winner will also receive an 12.9-inch iPad Pro tablet.
Onboard Systems may also select photos for use on interior pages of the catalog. If your photo is selected for use inside our catalog, we will send you exclusive Onboard promotional merchandise featuring the Onboard Systems logo.
Online entries can be uploaded using our website entry form above. Deadline for submitting entries is 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, November 30, 2022. The winner will be announced in the The Hook newsletter.
Your Rights:
You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit — including copyright ownership as applicable. You only grant Onboard Systems a royalty-free, non-exclusive right, in perpetuity, to:
- Use the photograph on our website, in our newsletter and email communications, in our catalog, calendar, and other marketing pieces
- Keep the files provided by you and to archive the images on CD or in other electronic forms for future use
As a condition of this permission, Onboard Systems shall credit all photographs with the caption "© Person's Name, Company Name" when the full name is available.
Questions and inquiries about contest rules can be sent through our contact form.
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