Shop Talk: Changes to Load Cell Maintenance
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Onboard Systems recently revised the maintenance criteria regarding overhauls for our Onboard Weighing System kits and load cells. In the past, overhauls were required every 5 years/1,000 hours (or 6 years/1,500 hours, depending on the model) and consisted of non-destructive testing (NDT), inspection, and calibration.
Based on 40 years of servicing thousands of load cells, we were able to make an engineering determination that NDT is no longer necessary. Instead of a 5 year/1,000 hour (or 6 years/1,500 hours) time between overhauls (TBO), we have now implemented a factory inspection requirement.
When you return the load cell assembly to the factory, we will inspect the condition of the load cell and perform acceptance test procedures, including calibration and zero balance, repairing as necessary. Because the load cell gauges are delicate and can be easily damaged during disassembly, and because the calibration and zero balance procedures require specialized skills to perform with precision, we are maintaining the requirement for factory service only. However, we anticipate that turn-around times will significantly decrease with the elimination of the NDT requirement.
We have begun updating all of the user manuals to reflect this change, and all manuals should be updated by the end of April 2018. If you have any questions or concerns, please download copies of the latest user documentation for your Onboard Weighing System, or contact us if you have specific questions.
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