Shop Talk: Troubleshooting Onboard Weighing Systems
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Should you ever experience problems with your Onboard Weighing System, you can refer to our Electronic Load Weigh System Troubleshooting Guide (P/N 125-001-00) for assistance. This guide outlines recommended field troubleshooting procedures that can be implemented by experienced aircraft mechanics using standard shop practices and basic troubleshooting skills. We recommend that you download this guide and complete the recommended procedures prior to contacting us for technical support, as we will need the results of these evaluations in order to help you resolve your specific issue.
Initial troubleshooting is best done with the load weigh system installed in the helicopter. Before starting, you'll want to download the most current version of the owner’s manual from our website, and have it on hand for reference. Standard shop tools and a quality volt-ohm meter will also be required.
- Difficulties with new system installations, including installation of new components (i.e., replacement load cell or cockpit indicator) are usually associated with incorrectly setting up the cockpit indicator. If you are changing either the load cell or the cockpit indicator, you must also reset the installation zero and the calibration code. Refer to the owner’s manual for the specific procedures.
- Difficulties with existing installations are usually associated with cables that have been stretched, pinched, or cut, and/or connectors that are damaged or corroded. The troubleshooting guide gives you diagnostic procedures for identifying symptoms and provides their correlated solutions.
If your Onboard Weighing System is still experiencing problems after performing the suggested diagnostics, feel free to reach out to one of our technical support representatives by phone or email, or through our online support form.
onboard weighing systemstroubleshooting guidecockpit indicatorshop talkload cellsMore Articles

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